Juuni Taisen Wiki
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Biographical Information

伊能 清子


Inō Kiyoko



Basic Information


Hair Color


Eye Color



Inounoshishi's Father (Father)
Inounoshishi's Mother (Mother)
Inounoshishi (Older Sister)




Episode 1

Voice Actors

Kiyoko Inou (伊能 清子, Inō Kiyoko), or commonly addressed as just Kiyoko, is the little sister of Toshiko Inou, a.k.a. Inounoshishi. Her and Inounoshishi's father initially selected her to be the next Zodiac of the Boar for the 12th Zodiac War, but was manipulated and ultimately driven to suicide by her older sister to acquire the title for herself.


Kiyoko is a young high school girl with red eyes and short, red hair that flares out at the ends. Like her sister, she also has a pair of tusks, and she has them at her temples.

Additional images are provided in the below gallery for reference.

Image Gallery


Kiyoko initially comes off as an innocent young girl, but she has a sociopathic tendency and is shown to enjoy killing animals, even the babies, for fun. At school, she isn't any different and seems to have regular friendships as well as a possible boyfriend or love interest.


Kiyoko is the second heiress in the Boar Clan. It's heavily implied that she never had to take up the brutal training and abuse that her older sister had to, but even so, she was naturally drawn to killing.


In the Manga, despite being the youngest of the two sisters of the Boar Clan, Kiyoko has little to no hesitation to kill and was shown to have sadistic tendencies, unlike Inounoshishi, she was noted to have even going as far as killing animals for fun. This behavior is how her father decides she is fit to be the warrior to participate in the Zodiac War.

Driven by jealousy on what her elder sister believed should have been her right, it was implied that Inounoshishi killed her.

Kiyoko was shown to have a much different mentality and role in the Anime. As shown in her sister's memories, Kiyoko was shown to have originally had a more childish/innocent view on killing, having been shown to initially enjoy hunting and killing foxes during her early teen years and implied to have never actually taken the life of another human being until she was sent to the battlefield. She was shown to have had a good relationship with her elder sister prior to their father's selection of their family's next Juuni Taisen Representative.

After their father's return and victory in the 11th Juuni Taisen, he then choose Kiyoko to be the next representative of the Boar Clan.

Distraught over being forced to learn how to kill and enduring years of her father's abuse for no reason and having the right to participate in the Juuni Taisen taken from her, Inounoshishi becomes enraged by this and creates a 12-year plot to take her younger sister's place as the Boar.

Knowing of her younger sisters relative innocent with what it truly meant to take a sentient beings life, she manipulates her sister into killing people in mass and driving her to insanity. Her elder sister started this by forcing her to kill excessively during their mission assignments together and encouraging her to lack pity or mercy when killing, she then began meddling with her school life and form there eventually manipulated her into killing her own classmates, all the while convincing her sister that killing human beings were no different from killing small animals.

This gradually began to have a severe and adverse psychological effect on Kiyoko as she slaughtered lives, with her elder sister insisting to her that it wasn't enough and persuaded her to continue. This treatment caused Kiyoko to spiral into madness to the point that she had to be detained in a cell until ultimately committing suicide after Inoushishi slid a knife to her. With her younger sister out of the way, Inoushishi took her place in the Zodiac War.


  • In the Anime, it was implied that her father had chosen her as the representative of the Boar for the 12th Juuni Taisen was not due to favoring her to win, but due to wanting spare her elder sister's life and insure her future as the head of the Boar Family.



The Twelve Eastern Zodiacs Nezumi  |  Ushii  |  Tora  |  Usagi  |  Tatsumi Kyoudai Ani  |  Tatsumi Kyoudai Otouto  |  Uuma  |  Hitsujii  |  Sharyu  |  Niwatori  | Dotsuku  |  Inounoshishi
The Twelve Western Zodiacs Capricorn  |  Aquarius  |  Pisces  |  Aries  |  Taurus  |  Gemini  |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  |  Libra  |  Scorpio  |  Sagittarius
Zodiac War Overseers Duodecuple  |  Navi
Other Inounoshishi's Father  |  Inounoshishi's Mother  |  Kiyoko  | Head of the Niwa Clan  |  Head of the Dragon Clan  |  Head of the Snake Clan